Friday, September 28, 2007
Paint a Picture With Words

Poetry is more than just rhyming and prose that is in meters and verse. It is an art form that paints a picture with emotions in words.
It is something that can not be judged by its cover and, like all art forms, should not be criticized.
Poetry is about expression. Poetry expresses the way we feel on a certain subject through imagery and other senses.
The emotion which is put within the poem or prose brings it life. A poem depicts a scene with the emotions present in a manner that is one of a kind.
Poetry is what makes us feel happy or sad, mad or gleeful, loving or broken hearted. Poetry is life on paper. It does not need to be of a certain subject or even rhyme. Poetry is poetry.
If it flows - good if not... it needs a bit of work. The rules can be bent and broken. New rules can be made in order to get the communication across to your audience. Show emotion while telling your story and you will have a winner!