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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Artist's Call: Art of California Labor
Monday, April 03, 2006

Here's an opportunity many working artists in California will not want to pass up.

The El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument has issued an Artist's Call for artworks that focus on the theme of California workers and their struggles. Accepted artists will have their art exhibited at the El Pueblo Art Gallery, located in the middle of LA's world famous Olvera Street, as part of a larger traveling exhibit organized by the California Exhibition Resources Alliance (CERA.) Here's the Artist's Call as issued: "From June 9 to August 14, 2006, El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument in collaboration with California Exhibition Resources Alliance (CERA) will present At Work: the Art of California Labor.

The exhibit examines the rich and tumultuous history of California's workers and their movements since the turn of the 20th century, from the rise of organized labor and the general strike of 1934 to the farm workers movement and effects of globalization. The exhibition, which is comprised of 31 original pieces of art and high quality reproductions, features the work of artists including Dorothea Lange, Tina Modotti, Diego Rivera, Emmy Lou Packard, Otto Hagel, and Ester Hernandez.

El Pueblo invites local artists wishing to participate in the exhibit to submit their work for consideration.

Submissions must pertain to California labor history and/or contemporary issues in California labor. Contact curator Marianna Gatto at 213.485.8432 or mariann.gatto@lacity.org. Intentions to submit must be received by April 24, 2006.

"Artists whose works are accepted will have their art integrated into the Olvera Street showing of CERA's traveling exhibition, At Work: The Art of California Labor. The remarkable exhibit was first developed by the California Historical Society and the San Francisco State University Fine Arts Gallery back in January of 2003. A beautiful 176 page catalog book for the exhibit, details the history of artists who created works on the theme of labor in California.

Indepth Arts News:

"Call for Artists: Juried Exhibition and Residency Opportunities" 2006-03-29 until 2006-06-01 TransCultural Exchange Boston, MA, USA United States of America
The award-winning, non-profit international arts organization TransCultural Exchange is reviewing slides to select innovative artists for future international projects and, specifically, for the exhibition Shimmer at TransCultural Exchange from November 1 to November 30. TransCultural Exchange also announces a sponsored residency at the 6th annual Dorothea Fleiss East West Artists Symposia and Residency from August 3 - 13, 2006 in Carei, Romania.


The award-winning, non-profit international arts organization TransCultural Exchange is reviewing slides to select innovative artists for future international projects and, specifically, for the exhibition Shimmer at TransCultural Exchange from November 1 to November 30. All media are acceptable, including site-specific and interactive installations. TransCultural Exchange will pay for insurance during the exhibition, exhibition announcements, a modest brochure, opening reception, and web-site documentation of the exhibition. Sales encouraged: 20% commission. Please send a maximum of 15 representative slides or a CD of 15 works (no minimum required), a resume, optional statement, $15 review fee and SASE to TransCultural Exchange, 516 East Second Street, #30, Boston, MA 02127. www.transculturalexchange.org, Submission deadline is June 1, 2005.


The award-winning, non-profit international arts organization TransCultural Exchange announces a sponsored residency at the 6th annual Dorothea Fleiss East West Artists Symposia and Residency from August 3 ˆ 13, 2006 in Carei, Romania. This 10 day international artist residency is open to artists in all disciplines and includes modest housing, workspace, meals, minimum materials and a $500 stipend to be used towards the artists‚ airfare. The residency will culminate in an exhibition at the Municipal Museum of Carei. (There are no residency fees, although the artist is requested – but not required – to donate one work produced during the residency to the Municipal Museum of Carei.) One to two artists will be chosen to attend this residency, for which the remaining slots are by invitation only. (The list of invited artists is available at http://www.transculturalexchange.org under „To Participate‰.) Additional artists will be chosen to participate in the symposia‚s exhibition at the Municipal Museum of Carei. Submission deadline is April 1. Please send a maximum of 15 slides or a CD of 15 works, SASE, resume, $15 review fee and optional statement.

"Call for Aritsts: Art of Music Exhibition" 2006-04-04 until 2006-06-19 Smithtown Township Arts Council St. James, NY, USA United States of America
Smithtown Township Arts Council seeks entries for the Art of Music Exhibition, held at the Mills Pond House Gallery July 15 through August 19, 2006. Artists in all media are encouraged to submit works that are musically inspired, i.e. works that take music as subject matter, and/or works that explore the connections between art and music. Works may not exceed 54 inches width.
Artists may submit their works by JPEG (300 dpi or greater) on CD only. Deadline for receipt on entries: June 19. Entry fee: $20 for up to three entries. Send SASE to STAC, 660 Route 25A, St. James NY 11870 or visit www.stacarts.org for a prospectus. (631) 862-6575

From: David McDivitt <davidm@smashcam.com>Subject: re: David McDivitt's Invitation for FREE Exposure!April 04th, 2006 To: Actors & Models From: David McDivitt: Re: Promote yourself but don't spend a pennyDavid is inviting you to build your own virtual entourage on the nation's fastest growing talent portal, and it costs you NOTHING. You can check out site here: http://www.facefinder.net?ff=7720&referal=77208187 and choose for yourself! You can start building your own Entourage and getting seen by clicking here: http://www.facefinder.net/register_extra.php?referal=77208187 Very Sincerely, David

Call for Artists: Women In Photography International Celebrates It's 25th Anniversary with a Juried Black & White Print CollectionWomen in PhotographyLos Angeles, CA USA United States of America Women In Photography International (www.womeninphotography.org) Celebrates it's 25th Anniversary with a juried black & white print collection Call for Entries. Founded in 1981, by a group of professional photographers living in Los Angeles, Women In Photography International (WIPI) has progressed over the years to become one of the most recognized organizations for women photographers worldwide. WIPI celebrates turning twenty-five in 2006 by announcing 'Turning Silver” - a call for entries to create a very special collection of one hundred twenty-five black and white photographic prints.

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